Rajarshi school of Management and Technology Varanasi would like to congratulate all the 13 students from both MBA and BBA for their final selection in Seeds Fincap Ltd , Prof. Aman Gupta Director incharge wish them best of luck for their future endeavours..
selected students are:-
1. From MBA -
Ms. Suyashi Mishra
Mr. Sagar Yadav
Ms. Ankita Singh,
Ms. Shweta singh,
Ms. Babita.
2. From BBA-
Mr. Piyush Singh
Ms. Anupama Pandey
Mr. Anubhav tiwari
Mr. Ravi Prakash Yadav
Mr. Deepak Yadav
Mr. Abhishek Vishwakarma
Ms. Vaishnavi Singh
Ms. Aditi Singh .